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     DW Host is designed  to operate  under DOS  3.0, and  up, on IBM PC's,
     XT's, AT's and compatibles equipped with Hayes 1200-compatible modems.
     If  DW Host has been  configured to  answer on true  ring detect,  the
     modem cable used must have pin 22 (ring indicate) connected.  Also pin
     20  (Data Transmitter  Ready signal)  must be  connected and the modem
     must be capable of providing  result messages indicating baud rate  at
     connect time (e.g., CONNECT 1200).   Recommended Hayes switch settings

        SW 1 - Up, DTR normal (pin 20 controlled by program)
        SW 2 - Up, Verbal result messages sent (not numeric result codes)
        SW 3 - Dn, Result messages sent (not quiet mode)
        SW 4 - Dn, Commands not echoed back
        SW 5 - Dn, Auto Answer suppressed (controlled by program)
        SW 6 - Up, Carrier detect indicated by modem (not always on)
        SW 7 - Up, Single phone line connection
        SW 8 - Dn, Normal "AT" command set enabled

     If you are using a modem other than the Hayes standard, make sure that
     its basic  configurable functions  are set  up the  same as above.  If
     your  modem  does  not  have  switches  for  one  or more of the above
     functions, there should be appropriate AT commands to achieve the same
     state.  Please consult your modem owner's manual.

     DW Host  has  been  improved  so  that  the  complication  of   having
     controlling batch  files is  no longer  a requirement.   There  may be
     circumstances, however, that may require you to use a batch file (like
     HOST.BAT,  included  in  the  distribution  archive), but more on that
     later.    To  install  the  software  you  need only copy  DWHost.COM,
     DWHost .OVR, and CONFIG.HLP to a directory from which it will be  run.
     The directory you choose should be the default directory when  DW Host
     is invoked.  This will already be done if you run the INSTALL program.

     To configure DW Host, run it for the first time in LOCAL mode so  that
     it won't look for your modem and attempt to initialize it.  Enter  the
     command:    DWHost L . The  L command  line parameter specifies LOCAL
     mode.    Initially,  the  file  DWCONFIG  cannot  be found, you are so
     informed, and the configuration/setup screen is presented with default
     settings.  If you take some time  with this screen and use the F1  key
     to display the available help for each configuration item, you'll have
     a good understanding of DW Host capabilities when you finish.  Hit the
     F10 key to save the configuration information.  After DW Host  returns
     to its status screen, hit F1 or F2 to quit operations in LOCAL mode.
     If  all  necessary  configuration  information  has been specified and
     you've set up whatever batch  files and/or other programs that  are to
     be accessed from remote through DW Host, your're ready to try bringing
     up  DW Host  for  its  first  test  run.   The command DWHost  with no
     command line parameters should be tried next.  If the code displays  a
     status screen  and "Waiting  for a  call" in  the status field, you're
     ready to try calling in.

     As indicated on the screen, you may exit DW Host by pressing F1 or  F2
     (choose F1 if you wish to have the line ring BUSY to anyone calling).

     DWCONFIG is a straight ASCII file and can be modified using any  ASCII
     editor so long as its lines are not interchanged and the limits of the
     variables (as specified by the original prompts for the data) are  not
     exceeded.  It  may be necessary  to modify this  file from remote,  in
     which case the DOS EDLIN, or your favorite line editor may be used.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson